Spring Interview Questions - 38 | Snaprecruit.com

Spring Interview Questions - 38 | Snaprecruit.com

Spring interview questions part 38

Spring interview questions part 38

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Total Questions: 20

1. Attribute to configure how many items will be processed before the transaction is committed all the input is sent to the writer.

Correct Answer is : commit-interval

2. Class which delegates the task of delimiting fields and records within a file to a LineMapper, which in turn delegates the task of identifying the fields within that record, to LineTokenizer.

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader

3. The names and values for the named parameters are being created by the bean configured for the itemSqlParameterSourceProvider property, an instance of the interface

Correct Answer is : BeanPropertyItemSqlParameterSourceProvider

4. There’s support for writing JMS:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

5. The processor attribute on the chunk element expects a reference to a bean of the interface:-

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.batch.item.ItemProcessor

6. Spring Batch provides a convenience class, CompositeItemProcessor, which forwards the output of the filter to the input of the successive filter.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. If the preceding job was run on a batch with a 100 rows, each item was read and passed through the processor, and it found 10 items invalid (it returned null 10 times), the value for the filter_count column would be:-

Correct Answer is : 10

8. The endpoint URL attribute defines where service is mounted.

Correct Answer is : endpoint URL

9. To keep our code as ready-to-deploy as possible.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

10. Spring BlazeDS creates existing Spring beans as AMF endpoints.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. The service, which will simply fetch all the items that are for auction and return the description.

Correct Answer is : SpringBlaze DS

12. To keep the code simpler.

Correct Answer is : ConcurrentSkipListSet

13. Method which takes parameters required to describe a bid and creates it.

Correct Answer is : bid

14. To notify other viewers of any new items posted.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

15. Method, which is called after the component’s been configured by Spring

Correct Answer is : setupFakeItems

16. To configure the standard Spring bean.

Correct Answer is : context:component-scan

17. In Spring context XML for the message broker, we have.

Correct Answer is : flex:message-broker

18. flex:message-service element had an attribute.

Correct Answer is : default-channels

19. To use a different channel they’d like to use when communicating with the server.

Correct Answer is : flex:remoting-destination

20. In ActionScript, “dynamic” means that you can arbitrarily add or reference fields only.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

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