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Total Questions: 20

1. We can directly use Spring AOP for injection of beans

Correct Answer is : FALSE

2. Which scope does @Configurable instantiated class looks for?

Correct Answer is : Prototype

3. Spring includes AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect in its aspect library for configuring the dependencies of any objects

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. Method used to process bean before initialization callback

Correct Answer is : postProcessBeforeInitialization()

5. Method used to process bean after initialization callback

Correct Answer is : postProcessAfterInitialization()

6. Which method is used to gracefully shutdown all the bean processes after closing the spring container?

Correct Answer is : shutdownHook

7. Which method is used to register BeanPostProcessor?

Correct Answer is : addBeanPostProcessors

8. In application context, BeanPost Processors are registered using addBeanPostProcessors method

Correct Answer is : FALSE

9. Which Interface for bean Post Processor is used to distinguish between checked beans

Correct Answer is : StorageConfig

10. Which method of bean post processors is used to check path existence

Correct Answer is : getPath

11. It’s possible to replace the original bean instance with a brand-new instance in your bean post processor

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. PathCheckingBeanPostProcessor will not work properly in case of:-

Correct Answer is : JSR Annotation

13. Which bean factory post processor externalizes part of the bean configurations into a properties file

Correct Answer is : PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

14. Which interface defines methods for resolving text messages

Correct Answer is : MessageSource

15. Which interface is used to listen to certain events

Correct Answer is : ApplicationListener

16. Which method is used to publish your own custom event

Correct Answer is : publishEvent

17. Which of the following is a well known recognized event

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. Which event is provoked when web request comes into action

Correct Answer is : RequestHandledEvent

19. A bean can be requested by:-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

20. Which attribute is used to set the scope of the bean?

Correct Answer is : scope