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Total Questions: 20

1. Endpoint Classes for Streaming StAX :-

Correct Answer is : AbstractStaxStreamPayloadEndpoint

2. Endpoint Classes for XML marshalling :-

Correct Answer is : AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint

3. If you need to get access to the entire SOAP message, you should write an endpoint class by implementing:-

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.MessageEndpoint

4. You can create a dom4j endpoint by extending the:-

Correct Answer is : AbstractDom4jPayloadEndpoint

5. In this method, you can access the request XML element, whose type is org.dom4j.Element, and the response document, whose type is org.dom4j.Document, as method arguments.

Correct Answer is : invokeInternal

6. Web services can be invoked through the core template class:-

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.ws.client.core.WebServiceTemplate

7. WebServiceTemplate provides a sendSourceAndReceiveToResult() method that accepts arguments:-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

8. Support for deployment of traditional .war artifacts, enable use of some of the standard Java EE libraries, provide useful defaults for many de facto standard libraries, and provide fully integrated support for Spring Dynamic Modules.

Correct Answer is : Spring dm Server

9. OSGi doesn’t solve framework concerns, instead focusing on infrastructure requirements for Java applications.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. SpringSource dm Server many advances focus on delivering a solution, and not just a framework, for delivering:-

Correct Answer is : OSGi

11. SpringSource dm Server provides value above and beyond a regular OSGi solution.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. SpringSource dm Server also allows you to bend the rules where necessary.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. SpringSource dm Server works with several types of deployment formats:-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

14. Application isolation is critical because it allows you to solve the issue of reconciliation of two services whose interfaces collide. You can use:-

Correct Answer is : .PAR

15. SpringSource dm Server provides the robustness needed to commoditize enterprise application development in an OSGi environment.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

16. To begin with SpringSource dm Server but need a way to rapidly turnaround development.

Correct Answer is : SpringSource dm Server

17. SpringSource has provided solid tooling for Eclipse, called :-

Correct Answer is : dm Server Tools

18. These tools—part of the broader SpringSource Tool Suite—are available as :-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

19. Transactions can be described with key properties:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

20. To access a database running on the Derby server, you have to add:-

Correct Answer is : Derby client library