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Total Questions: 20

1. A field named validator is of type.

Correct Answer is : javax.validation.Validator

2. Validator field is not assigned to any bean, but rather a factory class of the type.

Correct Answer is : javax.validation.ValidatorFactory

3. To hold any errors detected from validating the instance of beans.

Correct Answer is : 0

4. To use JSR-303 bean validation in a web application, dependencies to be added in maven.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

5. Spring doesn’t cope up with pdf and excel views.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

6. Spring MVC supports generating Excel files using which of the following libraries.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

7. The view classes for Excel view is/are:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

8. Spring MVC supports generating PDF files using which of the following libraries.

Correct Answer is : iText library

9. jBPM will expose beans using the:-

Correct Answer is : jBPM expression language

10. jBPM, and indeed most workflow engines, passivate state for you, allowing a process to wait on external events :-

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. We override the List bean (with id annotatedHibernateClasses) that we created for the last recipe (jbpm4 context.xml) to provide the session factory with a collection of annotated entities which is here as:- com.apress.springrecipes.jbpm.jbpm4.customers.Customer /process-definitions/RegisterCustomer.jpdl.xml

Correct Answer is : Customer

12. The method annotated with @PostConstruct will be run after the bean’s been configured to let the user inject custom initialization logic.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. The business process file’s name needs to end in :-

Correct Answer is : jpdl.xml

14. At the top, we’ve injected some dependencies:

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

15. The class(CustomerServiceImpl) provides a few salient methods:- package com.apress.springrecipes.jbpm.jbpm4.customers; public interface CustomerService { void sendWelcomeEmail(Long customerId); void deauthorizeCustomer(Long customerId); void authorizeCustomer(Long customerId); Customer getCustomerById(Long customerId); Customer createCustomer(String email, String password, String firstName,  String lastName); void sendCustomerVerificationEmail(Long customerId); }

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

16. In the bean, setupProcessDefinitions is run when the bean is created.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

17. Process definition will reference Spring beans using the JBoss expression language.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. In jBPM, a business process is built using jPDL.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. .In the customerService bean, a client will use createCustomer to create a customer record.
Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. .Inside the createCustomer method, we use jBPM to start the business process to track the Customer. This is done with the :-
Correct Answer is : startProcessInstanceByKey