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Total Questions: 10

1. Stored procedure is a __________ set of one or more SQL statements.

Correct Answer is : pre compiled

2. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Stored procedure can returns multiple values using input parameters

3. How many types of stored procedures are present in SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : 4

4. Which of the following procedures are created by user for own actions ?

Correct Answer is : User Defined Stored Procedure

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : We can create a Stored Procedure using the Create stor_proc statement

6. Which of the following stored procedure is already defined in Sql Server ?

Correct Answer is : System defined Procedure

7. System defined Procedure logically appear in :

Correct Answer is : sys schema

8. Extended procedures starts with the __________ prefix.

Correct Answer is : sp_

9. Type of procedure that are based on the CLR (Common Language Runtime) is :

Correct Answer is : CLR Stored Procedure

10. Nesting limit OF stored procedure is up to ________level.

Correct Answer is : 32