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Total Questions: 15

1. A solid that offers no _________ passage of electricity is called super conductors.

Correct Answer is : Resistance

2. The phenomena of super conductors was first discovered by ___________

Correct Answer is : Kammerlingh Onnes

3. Super conductors are discovered in the year _______

Correct Answer is : 1911

4. The earliest superconductors to be studied elaborately is ________

Correct Answer is : Niobium alloy

5. The shifting of electrons in super conductors is prevented by _________

Correct Answer is : Quantum effect

6. The electrons head in ___________ direction.

Correct Answer is : Same

7. The normal metal passes into super conducting state at ___________

Correct Answer is : Critical temperature

8. Based on magnetic response super conductors are of __________ types.

Correct Answer is : 2

9. Ideal super conductors completely become __________ at super conducting state.

Correct Answer is : Diamagnetic

10. The ideal super conductors exhibit __________

Correct Answer is : Meissner effect

11. The hard super conductors are those in which the ideal behaviour is seen up to a ________ critical magnetic field.

Correct Answer is : Lower

12. This functions as a super conductor at a critical temperature of ________

Correct Answer is : 90oK

13. The constituents of this material that is yttrium, barium and copper are in ____________

Correct Answer is : 0.043090278

14. Preparation of super conductors by ceramic method by homogeneous mixture of the oxides __________ in their molar ratios.

Correct Answer is : Y2O3, BaCO3, CuO

15. Annealing the homogeneous mixture to room temperature to retain its __________

Correct Answer is : Composition, structure and its properties