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Total Questions: 10

1. The set of routines needed to operate a specific device is known as ________

Correct Answer is : device driver

2. For formatting diskettes, we can use the _______ command.

Correct Answer is : format and fdformat

3. ___ command performs copying of diskettes.

Correct Answer is : dd

4. Which of the following is a backup program?

Correct Answer is : cpio

5. cpio program can be used with redirection and piping.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. Which of the following options are used with the cpio program?

Correct Answer is : -i and -o

7. tar command uses ___ option for backing up files.

Correct Answer is : -c

8. For restoring files using tar, ____ option is used.

Correct Answer is : -x

9. For displaying the archive, -t option is used with the tar command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. tar command can use the standard input to obtain its file list.

Correct Answer is : FALSE