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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following commands will be used to delete 6 lines from the current cursor location?

Correct Answer is : 6dd

2. Which command is used for putting deleted lines or part of lines at a different location?

Correct Answer is : p and P

3. Both ‘p’ and ‘P’ command puts text right/left or above/below on the basis of line deleted.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. To copy (yank) lines in vi editor, we use ______ command.

Correct Answer is : yy

5. To copy 10 lines from the current cursor location, we can use _____

Correct Answer is : 10yy

6. We can use ‘yy’ command for copy and paste operation.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Which command is used for joining lines?

Correct Answer is : J

8. Which command will be used to join 4 lines with the current line?

Correct Answer is : 5J

9. Which of the following undo a most recent single editing change?

Correct Answer is : u

10. ___ command allows us to undo a number of changes that have been made to a single line before moving away from that line.

Correct Answer is : U

11. Which command is used to redo the changes made by the undo command?

Correct Answer is : ctrl-r

12. ’10u’ command will reverse our 10 last editing actions.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. Which symbol is used for repeating the last command?

Correct Answer is : .

14. Which command is used for printing the current working directory?

Correct Answer is : pwd

15. Which command is used for changing the current directory?

Correct Answer is : cd

16. cd command cannot be used without any argument.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

17. Which command is used for creating directories?

Correct Answer is : mkdir

18. We can create multiple directories by single invocation of mkdir command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. What does the following command do? $ mkdir dir dir/dir_01/dir_02

Correct Answer is : create dir, dir_01 and dir_02

20. Sometimes we are unable to create a directory because ______________

Correct Answer is : the directory may exist, there may be an ordinary file, the permissions set for the current directory does not allow the creation