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Total Questions: 20

1. ____ system call is used for renaming a file, directory or symbolic link.

Correct Answer is : rename

2. S_IFxxx macros are used for checking the file types.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Which of the following macro returns true if the file type is a directory?

Correct Answer is : S_ISDIR

4. For checking a file access rights, ___ system call is used.

Correct Answer is : access

5. Which of the following is used with access call for checking the owner’s permissions?

Correct Answer is : R_OK, W_OK, X_OK

6. chmod and fchmod calls are used for changing file permissions.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Both the owner and group owner can be changed by ____ call.

Correct Answer is : chown

8. For changing the time stamps, _____ system call is invoked.

Correct Answer is : utime

9. System calls and library functions are same.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

10. Which of the following system call uses file descriptor as an argument?

Correct Answer is : read, write, close

11. A file can be recognized as an ordinary file or directory by ____ symbol.

Correct Answer is :

12. How many types of permissions a file has in UNIX?

Correct Answer is : 3

13. Permissions of a file are represented by which of the following characters?

Correct Answer is : r,w,x

14. A file named abd.txt has the following set of permissions -rwxrwxrwx All the three operations i.e read, write and execute can be performed on the file by file owner, group owner and others.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. Which of the following symbol is used to indicate the absence of a permission of a file?

Correct Answer is :

16. When we create a file, we are the owner of a file.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

17. What is group ownership?

Correct Answer is : group of users who can access the file

18. A file has permissions as rwx r– —. A user other than the owner cannot edit the file.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. If a file is read protected, we can write to the file.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

20. The write permission for a directory determines that ____________

Correct Answer is : we can add or remove files to it