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Total Questions: 20

1. When we can access a file with multiple filenames, it is said that the file has multiple _____

Correct Answer is : links

2. Which command is used to link a file with multiple filenames?

Correct Answer is : ln

3. Which option is used with ln command to create a soft link?

Correct Answer is : -s

4. A hard-linked file is assigned the same inode number as the original value.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

5. If we want to link files across the file systems, we have to use only soft links.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. The default permissions for a regular file are ____ and for directories are ____

Correct Answer is : 666, 777

7. We can change the default permission set for files and directories using ______

Correct Answer is : umask

8. Which command is used to change timestamps associated with a file?

Correct Answer is : touch

9. When touch command is used without any options or expression, both times are set to current time and the file is created if it doesn’t exist.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. Which option is used with touch command to change the time of last file modification?

Correct Answer is : -m

11. -a option is used with touch command to alter the time of last access.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. When touch command is used without any option but with an expression, which of the following timestamps are changed?

Correct Answer is : modification time and last access time

13. ____ statement matches an expression for more than one alternative.

Correct Answer is : case

14. Every pattern in case statement in terminated with a _____

Correct Answer is : ;;

15. case statement should have a corresponding closing esac.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

16. The ___ option in case statement matches any option not matched by the previous options.

Correct Answer is : *

17. case can also be used for matching multiple patterns.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. case can also use wildcards to pattern matching.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. Which command is used for computation and string handling?

Correct Answer is : expr

20. expr can perform ____ arithmetic operations.

Correct Answer is : 5