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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following is performed by expr string handling’s function?

Correct Answer is : determine the length of string, extract and locate the position of the string

2. The string to be worked upon is placed on the left of the colon when using expr string handling function.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Which symbol is used for finding the length of the string?

Correct Answer is : .*

4. Which of the following pattern is used for extracting a substring using expr?

Correct Answer is : \(. .\)

5. For locating the first position of a character in a string we can use expr command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. expr is a _____ command

Correct Answer is : external

7. A file is a container for storing information.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. In how many broad categories, files are divided into UNIX?

Correct Answer is : 3

9. In UNIX, the file name and file size are stored in the file itself.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

10. The most common file type is ___

Correct Answer is : ordinary file

11. What is a directory file?

Correct Answer is : a directory containing details of the files and subdirectories it contains

12. Each entry of directory file has component(s) namely _____

Correct Answer is : filename and inode number

13. Device files are used by the kernel for operating the device.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

14. When we log in, the UNIX places us in a directory, called ______ directory

Correct Answer is : home

15. UNIX treats everything as a file.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

16. The root directory is represented by ___

Correct Answer is : /

17. UNIX imposes no rule for framing filename extensions.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. _____ and _____ cannot be used in a filename.

Correct Answer is : /, NULL

19. Filenames in UNIX are not case-sensitive.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

20. We should avoid filenames starting with a – (hyphen).

Correct Answer is : TRUE