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Total Questions: 20

1. Which option is preferred while killing a process using SIGKILL signal (9)?

Correct Answer is : -s

2. Which of the followings command(s) is used to kill the login shell?

Correct Answer is : kill -9 $$ and kill -s KILL 0

3. Kill -l will list all the signal numbers on our machine.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. What is a job?

Correct Answer is : group of processes

5. Which of the following command is used to suspend a job?

Correct Answer is : ctrl-Z

6. Which command will push the current foreground job to the background?

Correct Answer is : bg

7. ____ command will bring the background jobs to the foreground.

Correct Answer is : fg

8. The command fg %1 will bring the first background job to the foreground.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. The command bg %2 is valid.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. What does the following command do? $ kill %2

Correct Answer is : kills the second background job

11. Which of the following is not a part of job control facilities?

Correct Answer is : create a new job

12. POSIX shell provides job control facilities like bg or fg.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

13. Which command is used to list the status of jobs?

Correct Answer is : jobs

14. We can schedule a job to run at a specified time of day using _______ command.

Correct Answer is : at

15. We can use the _____ symbol with at command to redirect our output to a specified file.

Correct Answer is : >

16. Which of the following keyword is not supported by at command?

Correct Answer is : evening

17. Which one of the following forms used with at command is invalid?

Correct Answer is : at morning

18. We can list the jobs queued using at command by using ____ option.

Correct Answer is : -l

19. To remove a job from the queue, which option is used with at command?

Correct Answer is : -r

20. We cannot find out the name of the program scheduled using at command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE