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Total Questions: 20

1. Which command permits to schedule jobs for later execution, as soon as the system load permits?

Correct Answer is : batch

2. Jobs scheduled using batch command goes to a special at queue.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Jobs scheduled using batch command can be removed using ___ option.

Correct Answer is : -r

4. What is a daemon?

Correct Answer is : process which runs automatically without any user interaction

5. What is cron?

Correct Answer is : a daemon

6. The cron tab is a table having a list of commands that are scheduled to be run at regular intervals.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Which of the following command will remove the current crontab?

Correct Answer is : crontab -r

8. To find out how efficiently a program a used the system resources, which command is used?

Correct Answer is : time

9. Which command shows some attributes of a process?

Correct Answer is : ps

10. Which of the following attribute is not shown by ps command?

Correct Answer is : size

11. Which option is used by ps command to get a detailed listing of process attributes?

Correct Answer is : -f

12. Which option is used by the system administrator for displaying processes of a user?

Correct Answer is : -u

13. The -a option when used with ps command lists processes of all users but doesn’t display the system processes.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

14. Which option is used with ps command to list system processes?

Correct Answer is : –A and -e

15. What will the output of the following command? $ ps -t dev/console

Correct Answer is : processes running on terminal named console

16. There are ___ distinct phases of a process.

Correct Answer is : 3

17. A system call is a programmatic way in which the program requests for the service from the kernel of an operating system.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. Which of the following system call is used for creating a new process?

Correct Answer is : fork

19. When fork() is invoked, the child process created gets a new PID.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. What is the value returned by fork system call, when the creation of child process is unsuccessful?

Correct Answer is : negative integer