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Total Questions: 20

1. Which one of the following command is used for replacing | with : globally?

Correct Answer is : sed ‘s/|/:/g’ emp.lst

2. To replace the string ‘director’ in the first five lines of file emp.lst with ‘manager’ we can use _____

Correct Answer is : sed ‘1,5s/director/manager/’ emp.lst

3. Which of the following characters are used with sed as anchoring characters?

Correct Answer is : $ and ^

4. What will be the function of the following command? $ sed ‘s/ *|/|/g’ emp.lst

Correct Answer is : compress multiple spaces

5. Basic regular expressions are divided into ______ categories.

Correct Answer is : 3

6. The interval regular expression uses the character _______

Correct Answer is : { and }

7. Which one of the following command will be used for adding two spaces before every line in emp.lst?

Correct Answer is : sed ‘s/^/ /’ emp.lst

8. Which shortcut does sed offer to replace the string Linux with Red hat Linux?

Correct Answer is : &

9. Which command will be used for selecting lines 3 to 10 from emp.lst?

Correct Answer is : sed -n ‘3,10p’ emp.lst

10. Shell provides us with an interface to the operating system.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. On a UNIX system, there can be ____ shells running simultaneously.

Correct Answer is : many

12. There can be multiple kernels on a single UNIX system.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

13. The prompt issued by the shell is called ______

Correct Answer is : command prompt

14. In UNIX there are ___ major types of shells.

Correct Answer is : 2

15. What is the default symbol for command prompt in Bourne shell?

Correct Answer is : $

16. What is the default symbol for command prompt in C shell?

Correct Answer is : %

17. Which one of the following command will display the name of the shell we are working on?

Correct Answer is : echo $SHELL

18. Which shell is the most common and best to use?

Correct Answer is : Bash shell

19. Which command does not terminates unless we log out of the system?

Correct Answer is : shell

20. In Shell’s interpretive cycle, the shell first scans for ____ in the entered command.

Correct Answer is : meta-characters