Unix Interview Questions - 4 | Snaprecruit.com

Unix Interview Questions - 4 | Snaprecruit.com

Unix interview questions part 4

Unix interview questions part 4

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Total Questions: 20

1. Which command is used to change the permissions of a file?

Correct Answer is : chmod

2. chmod command can take multiple filenames as arguments.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. chmod command can be used in ____ ways.

Correct Answer is : 2

4. The expression used with chmod command to change permissions in a relative manner contains ____ components.

Correct Answer is : 3

5. Which of the following characters specify the user and group category?

Correct Answer is : ‘u’ and ‘g’

6. Which of the following symbol is used with chmod to assign permission to a file?

Correct Answer is : #ERROR!

7. To assign execute permission to the user (owner) for a file named file01.txt, which of the following command will be used?

Correct Answer is : chmod u+x file01.txt

8. What does the following command do? $ chmod ugo +w file01.txt

Correct Answer is : assign write permission to users, group and others

9. Which character is used to replace ‘ugo’ string in chmod command?

Correct Answer is : a

10. To remove write permission from group and others, which one of the following commands will be used?

Correct Answer is : chmod go-w file01

11. While changing permissions in an absolute manner, we explicitly set all the nine bits irrespective of the previous permissions of the file.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. What are the permission of file01 after executing this command? chmod 777 file01

Correct Answer is : rwxrwxrwx

13. A file named file01 should be readable, writable and executable only by the user(owner). Which one of the following set of command will be used?

Correct Answer is : chmod 700 file01

14. A file has a permission set as 000 i.e. — — —. Can the file be deleted?

Correct Answer is : Yes

15. A file has a permission set as 777 ie rwxrwxrwx but the directory permissions are 400. If the user tries to delete the file, will he be able to do it?

Correct Answer is : No

16. Which command is used to change the ownership of a file?

Correct Answer is : chown

17. Which option is used for the recursive functioning of chmod command?

Correct Answer is : -R

18. Which command is used to change the group owner of the file?

Correct Answer is : chgrp

19. A user can change the group ownership of a file to another group to which he does not belong.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

20. Like chmod, chown and chgrp can also use ___ option.

Correct Answer is : -R

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