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Total Questions: 20

1. Environment variables control the behavior of the system.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. The shell has ____ prompts.

Correct Answer is : 2

3. Which one of the following command will change our primary prompt from $ to C>?

Correct Answer is : PS1=”C> “

4. Which environment variable is used to display our username?

Correct Answer is : LOGNAME

5. Which one of the following is not an environment variable?

Correct Answer is : env

6. Which symbol is used for setting the PS1 prompt to show the current event number?

Correct Answer is : !

7. Which escape sequence is used with PS1 to show the hostname of our computer?

Correct Answer is : \h

8. Which of the following shells support the use of aliases?

Correct Answer is : Korn and bash

9. We can display an alias definition by using an alias with the name.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. Which command is used in bash and Korn shells to display the previously used commands?

Correct Answer is : history

11. To display the last five used commands, which one of the following commands is used (in bash shell)?

Correct Answer is : history 5

12. Which of the following symbols are used for accessing previous commands by event numbers?

Correct Answer is : ! and r

13. We can use relative addressing while executing previous commands.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

14. We can also execute previous commands by context.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. Which symbol is used as a shorthand for using the last argument to the previous command?

Correct Answer is : $

16. ____ command is used for sorting a file on specified fields.

Correct Answer is : sort

17. By default, sort command reorders lines in ASCII collating sequence.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. Sort command uses ____ as default field delimiter.

Correct Answer is : one or more continuous spaces

19. Which option is used with sort command to specify the field delimiter?

Correct Answer is : -t

20. Which option is used for sorting a file according to primary key?

Correct Answer is : -k