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Total Questions: 20

1. awk allows the user to use variables of his own choice.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. Which option is used for reading an awk program from a file?

Correct Answer is : -f

3. ____ section can be used if we’ve to print something before processing the first line.

Correct Answer is : begin

4. ____ section can be used if we’ve to print something after processing the last line.

Correct Answer is : begin

5. awk uses ____ for providing comments.

Correct Answer is : #

6. Which of the following is a built-in variable for awk?

Correct Answer is : FS

7. FS defines the field separator.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. Which built variable is used for defining the field delimiter in the output?

Correct Answer is : OFS

9. The ____ variable stores the name of the file currently being processed.

Correct Answer is : FILENAME

10. Which of the following is not a built-in variable used by awk?

Correct Answer is : ES

11. awk supports the use of arrays.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. Which of the following is not true about awk arrays?

Correct Answer is : they are not expanded automatically

13. Which of the following is an associative array?

Correct Answer is : ENVIRON[ ]

14. ____ function breaks up a string on the basis of delimiter.

Correct Answer is : split

15. For running a UNIX command within awk, we’ve to use ____ function.

Correct Answer is : system

16. sqroot(x) function returns the square root of x.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

17. Which of the following is supported by awk?

Correct Answer is : if, while, for

18. print statement is necessary for printing a line.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

19. awk uses _____ dimensional arrays.

Correct Answer is : one

20. awk has some built-in functions which are used for arithmetic and string operations.

Correct Answer is : TRUE