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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following is a built-in function for awk?

Correct Answer is : length

2. The _____ function extracts a substring from a string.

Correct Answer is : substr

3. awk makes a distinction between numeric and string variables.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

4. Which editor is used by the UNIX system to edit files?

Correct Answer is : vi

5. What does the following command do? $ vi file001

Correct Answer is : open file if it exists else creates a new file

6. Which option is used by vi editor to open a file in read mode only?

Correct Answer is : -R

7. How many types of modes are used by vi editor?

Correct Answer is : 3

8. What is the default mode of vi editor?

Correct Answer is : Command mode

9. To insert text into a file, _____ mode is used.

Correct Answer is : Input mode

10. ex mode is used for what purpose?

Correct Answer is : file handling and substitution

11. Which one of the following key is used to switch from command mode to input mode?

Correct Answer is : i

12. ____ key is used for switching to command mode from input mode.

Correct Answer is : esc

13. Which of the following key is used to enter in ex-mode?

Correct Answer is : :

14. ex-mode is used to save our work.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. Commands inputted in command mode don’t appear on the terminal.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

16. To clear the screen in vi editor, _____ is used.

Correct Answer is : ctrl-l

17. vi commands are not case sensitive.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

18. While entering text in input mode the data is saved in _____

Correct Answer is : buffer

19. To quit vi editor without saving the buffer we can use

Correct Answer is : :q!

20. The first UNIX editor was ____

Correct Answer is : ed