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Total Questions: 10

1. In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and presents the resources.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. POST operations should be idempotent.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

3. What REST stands for?

Correct Answer is : Representational State Transfer

4. Which of the following protocol is used by Restful web services as a medium of communication between client and server?

Correct Answer is : HTTP

5. Which of the following is a best practice to create a standard URI for a web service?

Correct Answer is : Both of the mentioned

6. Which of the following HTTP method should be idempotent in nature?

Correct Answer is : DELETE

7. Which of the following directive of Cache Control Header of HTTP response indicates that resource is cachable by only client and server?

Correct Answer is : Private

8. Which of the following HTTP Status code means CREATED, when a resource is successful created using POST or PUT request?

Correct Answer is : 201

9. Which of the following annotation of JAX RS API is used to annotate a method used to create resource?

Correct Answer is : @PUT

10. Which of the following annotation of JAX RS API binds the parameter passed to method to a HTTP matrix parameter in path?

Correct Answer is : @MatrixParam