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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the reasons will force you to use XML data model in SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : All of the Mentioned

2. Which of the following is not a XML storage option ?

Correct Answer is : Small object storage

3. The choice of XML technology, native XML versus XML view, generally depends upon the following factors:

Correct Answer is : All of the Mentioned

4. In which of the following scenario,using XML native storage would be inappropriate ?

Correct Answer is : Fixed schema

5. XML View Technology is useful in the following situations:

Correct Answer is : You want to bulk load XML data and decompose them into the underlying tables by using the XML view

6. What is hybrid model in SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : Combination of relational and XML data type columns

7. Reasons to use native XML features in SQL Server instead of managing your XML data in the file system would be:

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

8. Which of the following part of the XML data stored in an XML column is very important for locking ?

Correct Answer is : Granularity

9. XML datatype was introduced in which of the following versions of SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : SQL Server 2005

10. Which of the following feature of SQL Server was used before XML technology for semi structured data?

Correct Answer is : Stored Procedure

11. What are Catalog Views for XML ?

Correct Answer is : Schema collections

12. Which of the following following is used for retrieving XML Schema Collections?

Correct Answer is : XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE

13. What is index type for XML index entries ?

Correct Answer is : 3

14. The space use of XML indexes can be found in the table-valued function named?

Correct Answer is : sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats

15. Contents of sys.xml_schema_collections are :

Correct Answer is : Predefined namespaces

16. Which of the following statement would import additional schema or schema components into an existing collection object ?


17. Which operation cannot be performed on XML schema collection ?

Correct Answer is : DELETE

18. Use untyped XML data type in the following situations:

Correct Answer is : You do not have a schema for your XML data

19. Point out the wrong statement

Correct Answer is : Typed XML type and Untyped XML both have XML schema to validate the Data

20. SQL Server 2008 has made several extensions to the XML Schema support which includes :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned