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Data Profiling interview questions
Data Profiling interview questions
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Total Questions: 5
1. Which of the following is benefit of SQL Server Profiler ?
A. Capturing the series of Transact-SQL statements that lead to a problem
B. Finding and diagnosing slow-running queries
C. Correlating performance counters to diagnose problems
D. All of the mentioned
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Correct Answer is :
All of the mentioned
2. Point out the correct statement :
A. SQL Server Profiler also supports auditing the actions performed on instances of SQL Server
B. A profiler class is a type of event that can be traced
C. A profile category defines the way events are grouped within SQL Server Profiler
D. None of the mentioned
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Correct Answer is :
SQL Server Profiler also supports auditing the actions performed on instances of SQL Server
3. Which of the following is an event class ?
A. SQL:BatchCompleted
B. Audit Password
C. Lock:Blocked
D. All of the mentioned
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4. Which of the following stored procedure will stop the trace ?
A. sp_trace_create.
B. sp_trace_setfilter
C. sp_trace_setstatus
D. sp_stop_status
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5. Point out the wrong statement :
A. If a filter is set, all events of the selected event classes are returned in the trace output
B. A trace captures data based on selected event classes, data columns, and filters. For example, you can create a trace to monitor exception errors
C. A data column is an attribute of an event classes captured in the trace
D. All of the mentioned
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Correct Answer is :
If a filter is set, all events of the selected event classes are returned in the trace output
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