Early Childhood Teacher Apply
Position: Early Childhood Teacher
Position Description: The Early Childhood Teacher position exists to provide a early childhood classroom with a qualified, knowledgeable and loving teacher. The Early Childhood Teacher is directly responsible for teaching the children assigned to them according to the curriculum approved by the Director.
- Early Childhood Teachers for infants and toddlers must be at least 18 years of age
- High School diploma or GED
- Meet the requirements for Early Childhood Teacher as indicated by the State of Colorado
- Submit fingerprints and additional information for required background clearance
- Be certified in CPR, First Aid and Standard Precautions
- Plan, direct and evaluate the learning experiences of the children in class and in activities that are sponsored by Victory Montessori and Childcare Center
- Work cooperatively with all staff members and the various agencies of the church as required
- Teach the children about behavior, courtesy and proper dress by personal example and verbal instruction
- Have a genuine interest in children and be willing to provide fair and impartial direction using a sense of humor when appropriate and yet be formal and firm
- Post lesson plans in visible areas of the classroom so they can be viewed by parents
- Be aware at all times of the numbers of children in their care
- Adhere to all rules and regulations administered by the State of Colorado, Colorado Health Department and the local Police/Fire Department
- Attend mandatory staff meetings and trainings throughout the year
- Starting at $17-$20hr
For more information, please contact Theresa Fisher @hr@victorydenver.com or 303.426.8888.
Victory Montessori is continuously hiring. Job posting may remain up for extended periods of time.
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