Maintenance Control Technician Apply
Job Title: Maintenance Control Technician
Some of the duties of the instrumentation and control technician are:
Consulting diagrams and technical documentation such as schematics, manuals, standards and codes;
Maintaining backup and revision documentation for control systems and instrumentation;
Manage SCADA type devices in an industrial based environment
Installing, configuring, calibrating and maintaining control, measurement and indicating instrumentation (pneumatic, analog & digital);
Configuring and programming Programmable Logic Controls (PLC) and Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC);
Organize and order PLC control components in order to maintain plant process control systems.
Work with corporate IT staff as required with miscellaneous network and computer activities.
Must be able to prepare technical reports for documenting issues/changes to equipment.
Must be able to manage projects for implementing changes and improvements.
Self-motivated and highly organized with good time management skills
Detail oriented work style
Dedication and commitment to meeting expectations
Team Player/Cooperative, yet assertive
Ability to work in an often fast paced, hectic, and demanding environment
Must have exceptional problem solving skills
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Must have proven experience in PLC logic and programming with Allen Bradley PLC's and other types of controllers.
Must be able to create and read logic and flow diagrams for program design, programming, simulation and testing, and start-up
Lean Manufacturing
At least 2 years of related experience required.
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