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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following is not a request-header field?

Correct Answer is : Delete

2. What does ‘3xx’ code denote?

Correct Answer is : Redirection

3. Which of the following is a server-side solution for implementing responsive images?

Correct Answer is : http://adaptive-images.com

4. Which of the following is not included in the framework?

Correct Answer is : forms

5. How many columns are there in the basic grid of a skeleton?

Correct Answer is : 12

6. Bootstrap was first introduced in ______

Correct Answer is : twitter

7. Which is not a tool to build responsive websites?

Correct Answer is : skeleton

8. Linux does not have code editor ___________

Correct Answer is : WebMatrix

9. Which is not bookmarklet?

Correct Answer is : Brackets

10. Which of the following is not a CSS preprocessor?

Correct Answer is : Screen Fly

11. For style foundation Bootstrap uses ____________

Correct Answer is : LESS

12. Which of the following is not a CSS preprocessor compiler?

Correct Answer is : Screenqueri.es

13. Which compiler does not support LESS language?

Correct Answer is : ScoutApp

14. Which of the following is not a feature associated with LESS?

Correct Answer is : PHP

15. Sass is based on ___________

Correct Answer is : Ruby

16. Which font is default in Skeleton sets?

Correct Answer is : Helvetica Neue

17. Adjacent sibling selector is defined with the notation _____________

Correct Answer is : #ERROR!

18. General sibling selector is declared with the notation:

Correct Answer is : ~

19. translate() function is not supported by __________

Correct Answer is : firefox 4

20. CSS3 transition is not supported by _________

Correct Answer is : Internet Explorer 9