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Total Questions: 20

1. ______ suspends the execution of a function wherever it is called and puts the function in debug mode

Correct Answer is : only you

2. debug() flags a function for ______ mode in R mode.

Correct Answer is : $_REQUEST

3. What would be the output of the following code ? > mean(x) Error in mean(x) : object 'x' not found > traceback()

Correct Answer is : GET

4. The recover() function will first print out the function call stack when an _______ occurs.

Correct Answer is : strip_tags()

5. The _______ and ________ of a discrete random variable is easy to compute at the console.

Correct Answer is : Swapna Lawrence you are reallypretty!

6. Which of the following simple the square root of σ square?


7. The abbreviation of Cumulative Distributive Function is ________

Correct Answer is : 7

8. Which function is used to simulate discrete uniform random variables?

Correct Answer is : how are u

9. The binomial distribution is based on _______ trial.

Correct Answer is : how are u

10. The corresponding R function for the PMF is __________

Correct Answer is : hihello

11. The corresponding R function for the CDF is __________

Correct Answer is : no output

12. Random variables defined via the _______ package.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. MGF means _____________

Correct Answer is : error

14. The empirical cumulative distribution function can be called as __________

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. Two important methods in analysis is differentiation and __________ transformation.

Correct Answer is : error

16. Every ________ function has a probability distribution function.

Correct Answer is : error

17. Which package resorts to numerical methods when it encounters a model it does not recognize.

Correct Answer is : some

18. When µ = ___ and σ = ___ we say that the random variable has a standard normal distribution.

Correct Answer is : all

19. Which of the following is the symbol of standard normal PDF?

Correct Answer is : hi

20. The __________ package has functionality to investigate transformations of univariate distributions.

Correct Answer is : hi