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Total Questions: 20

1. An attribute is a specification of an object that defines its property.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. Which command is used to list the attributes of a file?

Correct Answer is : ls

3. Which one of the following is not an attribute displayed by ls command?

Correct Answer is : word count of file

4. What are links referred to as in file attributes?

Correct Answer is : number of filenames of a single file that are maintained by the system

5. In how many categories are links divided?

Correct Answer is : 2

6. Hard linked files are provided with the same inode number as the original one.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Soft linked files are provided with different inode number as the original one.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. Which option is used with ls command to list the directory attributes rather than its contents?

Correct Answer is : -d

9. File attributes are of major concern as compared to directory attributes while performing operations on file system.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

10. A file contains 1026 bytes. How many bytes of disk space will it consume if size of a disk block is 1024 bytes?

Correct Answer is : 2048

11. Which command is used for locating files?

Correct Answer is : find

12. The syntax of the find command is ____________

Correct Answer is : find path_list selection_criteria action

13. Which symbol is used with find command for specifying arguments?

Correct Answer is : #NAME?

14. What will be the output of the following command? $ find / -name a.out -print

Correct Answer is : all files having filename as a.out

15. We can use relative pathname in the path list while using find command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

16. Which one of the following option is used for locating the files by inode number?

Correct Answer is : -inum

17. Which option is used with find command for specifying the file type?

Correct Answer is : -type

18. To specify permissions while using find command we have to use _____ option.

Correct Answer is : -perm

19. Which option is used to find command to search for files based on access time?

Correct Answer is : -atime

20. Which of the following command will be used to locate those files that have not been modified for more than a year?

Correct Answer is : find . -mtime +365 -print