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Total Questions: 20

1. The environment variables are available in _____

Correct Answer is : *environ[ ]

2. Which of the following functions are used for obtaining and setting the value of environment variables?

Correct Answer is : getenv and setenv

3. Which of the following action can be taken by a process upon receiving a signal?

Correct Answer is : ignore the signal, terminate and suspend the process

4. What is the default disposition of most signals?

Correct Answer is : terminate the process

5. We can run the jobs in the background in UNIX.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. Shell ___ operator is used for running jobs in the background.

Correct Answer is : &

7. Which command is used for running jobs in the background?

Correct Answer is : nohup

8. It is necessary to terminate the command line with &, even when we are using nohup command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. Which of the following shell(s) allows the user to run jobs in the background even when the user has logged out (without using nohup command)?

Correct Answer is : C and bash

10. When nohup command is used, shells returns the _____

Correct Answer is : PID

11. nohup command doesn’t send the standard output of a command to any file.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

12. What is the PID of the process who takes the parentage of the process run with nohup command?

Correct Answer is : 1

13. Which command is used for executing jobs according to their priority?

Correct Answer is : nice

14. It is better to use & with nice command.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. nice command is a ______ command in C shell.

Correct Answer is : built-in

16. Which option can be used explicitly to reduce the priority of any process.

Correct Answer is : -n

17. Which command is used for premature termination of a process?

Correct Answer is : kill

18. Which one of the following command is used for killing the last background job?

Correct Answer is : kill $!

19. By default, kill uses the SIGTERM signal (15) to terminate the process.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. Which signal is used with kill command to terminate the process when they ignore the SIGTERM signal (15)?

Correct Answer is : SIGKILL(9)