Common Resume Errors Young Applicants Make


Common Resume Errors Young Applicants Make

Creating a CV is essential when looking for a job. However, many young people make mistakes that can get their CVs thrown away quickly. Let's examine these errors and determine how to correct them.

Missing Key Words

Jobs use special words. If your CV doesn’t have these words, it might get ignored.

How to Fix It:

  • Look at job ads for the words they use.
  • Put these words in your CV if they fit what you do.
  • Use the words in sentences that show what you can do.

Using Empty Words

Words like “hardworking” don’t show what you really did.

How to Fix It:

  • Tell real stories about what you’ve done. Saying "led a team to finish a project early" is preferable to just saying “hardworking.”
  • Put your accomplishments in numbers, such as "Increased sales by 20%."

CV Too Long or Too Short

A lengthy resume may be difficult to read, and an excessively brief one may exclude crucial information.

How to Fix It:

  • Keep it to one or two pages.
  • Only include the most important information.

Messy Layout

A messy CV is hard to read.

How to Fix It:

  • Make sure the titles you use are precise. For example "Skills," "Education," along with "Experience."
  • Use bullet points to list your achievements.
  • Keep the format the same throughout.

Not Checking for Mistakes

Spelling and grammar mistakes make your CV look bad.

How to Fix It:

  • Read your CV carefully to find any mistakes.
  • Use spell-check tools.
  • Have another person review your resume.


By avoiding these mistakes like using clear words, giving real examples, keeping it short, organizing it neatly, and checking for errors you’ll make a resume that gets noticed and helps you get the job you want.

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