How to Find and Fix Your Weaknesses


How to Find and Fix Your Weaknesses

During a process interview, the question "What are your weaknesses?" can be asked. Everyone has weaknesses so it may be tough to reply to.

Finding Your Weaknesses

  1. Think About Your Job: Think about your job skills. If you write, you don’t need math skills. If you use numbers, you need to be good at math.

  2. Look at Your Skills: Check what skills you have and what you need. Think about what people say about your work. Ask friends or family what they think.

  3. Hard and Soft Skills
    Skills are of two types:

  • Hard Skills: These are practical skills, like coding or using tools.
  • Soft Skills: These are personal skills, like talking to people or leading a team.
  1. Take Tests: Tests like Myers-Briggs and The Big Five show your personality and how you act. They help find your weaknesses.

Fixing Your Weaknesses

  1. Learn More: If you are not good at something, like presenting ideas, practice and get ready before meetings.

  2. Practice Often: If you are shy, try to meet new people and talk more. Practice will help you get better.

  3. Ask for Help: Find someone good at what you struggle with.

From weaknesses to strengths

  1. Set Small Goals: Start with easy goals. If you don’t like public speaking, start talking in small groups.

  2. Celebrate Progress: When you see you are getting better, celebrate it. Small successes are important. This will help you stay motivated.

  3. Use Your Strengths: Seek methods to leverage your advantages to assist with your disadvantages. If you are a terrible speaker but an excellent writer, for instance, use your writing abilities to practice your talks.


This is how you can apply these suggestions to address your areas of weakness. I wish you luck in the job interviews!

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