Is Your Manager Giving You A Lot Of Work?


Is Your Manager Giving You A Lot Of Work?


Too Much To Do and Too Little Time

At workplace, situations often arise when your manager may keep piling new tasks for you and instead of getting more work done, you end up doing less, partly because of changing priorities.

Foremost, if you do not address this with your manager not only are you going to be unproductive, but also may end up gettign bad reviews for the year.

One way to show your boss that you are overextended, by creating a time line of your tasks so you can build up a case to show your manager. It will also demonstrate that you have put some time and thought into the process and are not merely making an excuse.

How to go about discussing it with your manager?

Your mindset needs to be confident to address these issues, and you must not approach it emotionally.

Use your timeline or other means to show that you were not able to finish all the tasks assigned to you. Keep in mind that the more you succeed, the better it is for your manager and the team. So when you discuss it, have clear time estimation for each task as this will help the manager know exactly how he can support you.

Let the manager know that you are concerned about the quality of work which will make it clear that having too much to do might damage the overall quality of work done.

Refrain from complaining about the workload. Come up with a plan of action or an approach in regards to how best the manager can support you.

The few scenarios that you can consider are:

Check with your manager and establish if the time lines can be modified, especially if you are feeling underutilized. There could be parts of the project where the deadlines could be extended. Take this route, this way you can prioritize all the tasks.

Some times you may need additional support to complete all the tasks. In such situations, think of a peer who you could work with to get the task done.

If collaboration is not possible, your manager can then consider delegating some of your tasks to others in your team.

Once a solution has been found, thank the manager for addressing your work load. It is usually difficult to have this type conversation with a manager, but it is necessary to show that you care about the project or tasks being completed on time. This is something every manager will notice and appreciate.

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