
The Digital shift


The Digital shift

As we evolve with the digital age, more and more job seekers are going online. As it is easy to explore the many options out there. One of these platforms is SnapRecruit. With a new mobile app that lets users find jobs faster than ever before. And as well as have the flexibility to chat with recruiters while browsing nearby vacancies. Has this site come up trumps? Here's what you need to know

"The New York Times", "USA Today" and "The Wall Street Journal" have all referred to SnapRecruit as a leading e-recruiting platform. In addition, it had approximately 80% of the market share for new online recruitment among mid-sized employers.

According to a survey, professionals ranked hiring on social media as the single most important aspect of their recruiting strategy.

SnapRecruit personal motivation has been channeled into a highly successful platform. With its technology and number of job opportunities, it stands out from competitors. There are numerous reasons to love Snaprecruit. 

Here are our top five reasons to love Snaprecruit

1) Create your CV online. This speeds up the process massively as you can use your time more efficiently and simply change it to fit the job role you're applying for.

2) Connect with new recruiters and job seekers via the user-friendly online chat system. You can upload your photos and then receive a notification of new jobs that are nearby whilst on the app. You can even add filters to your preferred area, such as male or female, so that you're pre-warned of any job vacancies in your preferred area.

3) Search for jobs quickly by location, skills needed, or moving out of an area (to work remotely). This means you can see your local area with vacancies posted, or search for jobs nationwide.

4) Review existing roles before applying to any with our ‘Find a Job’ feature. When you go to ‘Find a Job’ you can either save your favorites, which will be easier to apply for later when the time comes, or create a new saved role. You can simply easily upload them whenever the job opening comes up.

5) Save your CV where you need it most by having it on SnapRecruit as well as other recruitment sites, such as LinkedIn and Indeed.

Digital Recruitment Revolution
Automation and AI

Digital tools based on automation and artificial intelligence may be used to deploy the recruitment process, including scheduling interviews, scheduling workplace assessments, and assessing the skills of candidates.

Online Video Interviews

A digital tool may allow employers to conduct video interviews with multiple candidates at once. This could help reduce costs for employers while still keeping candidates engaged in the hiring process. If digital tools are used to assist with video interviews, they would allow for instantaneous feedback from candidates on their experiences during the interview. It could lead to an improvement in candidate experience and more hires from those who are interested in working at your company.

Collaborative hiring

A platform like SnapRecruit may allow more than one person in a company to access and participate in the hiring process. This could help put decision-making power in the hands of managers who value candidates who might not fit a cookie-cutter description. For example, if your company works on several different projects at any given time and needs. Team members with diverse skill sets, your hiring process has given structure to allow for multiple people to decide whether or not an applicant is someone they would potentially want working with them on a project basis.

Mobile functionality

SnapRecruit provides mobile functionality for users on their phone and tablet devices. This allows candidates to communicate with company representatives at any time. It also allows companies to conduct the hiring process anytime and anywhere. Which not only is convenient for users but also benefits employers. Because it can result in a higher percentage of online applications received.


While it is always difficult to know for certain whether digital tools will be secure in the future. Technical companies have been making efforts to make digital tools more secure. At that time, security firms noted an increase in phishing emails designed to look like they came from a major technical company or e-mail provider. Today there are many other security concerns, including the use of digital platforms by criminals and hacking groups. Since certain digital platforms are now much more useful than they were before. It is important to ensure that the tools are safe and secure.

Digital Recruitment

As a result of the online recruitment movement, potential candidates increasingly have access to digital tools and resources. The digital shift has also created opportunities for companies to personalize their recruitment processes by tailoring the criteria used for screening candidates. For instance, companies may be able to consider factors. The factors are a candidate's experience in a specific industry or location, online presence and social media presence, and interview history when assessing candidates.

Online tools have also been helpful to provide job seekers with access to training on how to apply for jobs and take their interviews. Online platforms may help increase the number of applications submitted by potential candidates.

The rise of artificial intelligence in recruitment, with the potential for AI to improve the candidate experience and enhance the employer branding process. The digital shift, particularly the online recruitment movement, could help make AI even more useful in the recruitment process. It provides companies with a broad range of data to test and refine algorithms. SnapRecruit offers employers opportunities to develop better applicant tracking systems. It tailors messages sent out to candidates based on their past application and interview history.


SnapRecruit is a well-known and established e-recruiting platform. It has been used worldwide in various industries to hire the best candidates for various jobs. Through its existing features, it offers numerous ways for companies to streamline their recruitment processes. For instance, it allows businesses to create multiple job listings through a single account.

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Aug 19, 2017 9am-6pm
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