Top 10 Interview Questions for Manual Testers


Top 10 Interview Questions for Manual Testers

Software testing ensures that software works correctly and meets the required standards. Here are ten simple questions you might get in a Manual Tester interview. Knowing these can help you prepare.

1. What is different between Quality Assurance and Software Testing?

  • Quality Assurance: They will ensure the software process is better. It means planning and setting up steps to avoid problems and make sure everything is correct. QA works on improving to ensure the software is high quality.

  • Software Testing: This is a part of Quality Assurance. It means checking the software to find and fix any bugs. Testing involves running the software, seeing if it works as it should, and reporting any issues. It focuses on finding problems and making sure the software works right.

2. What Is Automation Testing?

  • Automation Testing: Tests the software automatically. It saves time and checks many cases.

3. What Should Be in a Bug Report?

  • Bug Description: Short summary of the bug.

  • Steps to Reproduce: How to see the bug.

  • Test Data: Info about the test.

  • Test Environment: Where the test was done.

  • Bug Severity: How serious the bug is.

  • Time and Circumstances: When and how the bug happened.

4. What Is Performance Testing and Monkey Testing?

  • Performance Testing: Checks system speed and stability.

  • Monkey Testing: Randomly tries things to find crashes.

5. Why Should a Manual Tester Know the Business?

  • Business Understanding: Helps testers know how things should work and make tests useful.

6. What Are Types of Software Testing?

  • Types of Testing: Include functional, integration, and regression testing.

7. How Do You Prioritize Bugs?

  • Bug Prioritization: Decide the importance of a bug. And how it impacts users.

8. What Is the Software Testing Life Cycle?

  • STLC: Tests include planning, designing, and closing.

9. What If a Bug Cannot Be Reproduced?

  • Non-Reproducible Bugs: Check steps and data again. Ask for more details if needed.

10. What Is Test Case Design?

  • Test Case Design: Creating tests based on what the product needs to do.

Conclusion: These questions cover important parts of manual testing. Knowing the answers can help you in your interview and show that you understand the basics of testing.

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