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Total Questions: 18

1. The number of objects in a Web page which consists of 4 jpeg images and HTML text is ________

Correct Answer is : 5

2. The default connection type used by HTTP is _________

Correct Answer is : Persistent

3. The time taken by a packet to travel from client to server and then back to the client is called __________

Correct Answer is : RTT

4. The HTTP request message is sent in _________ part of three-way handshake.

Correct Answer is : Third

5. In the process of fetching a web page from a server the HTTP request/response takes __________ RTTs.

Correct Answer is : 1

6. The first line of HTTP request message is called _____________

Correct Answer is : Request line

7. The values GET, POST, HEAD etc are specified in ____________ of HTTP message

Correct Answer is : Request line

8. The __________ method when used in the method field, leaves entity body empty.

Correct Answer is : GET

9. The HTTP response message leaves out the requested object when ____________ method is used

Correct Answer is : HEAD

10. Find the oddly matched HTTP status codes

Correct Answer is : 304 Not Found

11. Which of the following is not correct?

Correct Answer is : Web cache doesnt has its own disk space

12. The conditional GET mechanism

Correct Answer is : Helps to keep a cache upto date

13. Which of the following is present in both an HTTP request line and a status line?

Correct Answer is : HTTP version number

14. Multiple object can be sent over a TCP connection between client and server in

Correct Answer is : persistent HTTP

15. HTTP is ________ protocol.

Correct Answer is : application layer

16. In the network HTTP resources are located by

Correct Answer is : uniform resource identifier

17. HTTP client requests by establishing a __________ connection to a particular port on the server.

Correct Answer is : transmission control protocol

18. In HTTP pipelining

Correct Answer is : multiple HTTP requests are sent on a single TCP connection without waiting for the corresponding responses